Sunday, March 29, 2009

His Master's Voice

My god, Beck and those guys are such commercial whores for the right. do you know this logo? "His Master's Voice" from RCA in the 19 teens or twenties? the audience for these guys is like a pack of young dogs waiting for their daddy's yelps coming outta the radio.

yelp yelp yelp. we had that little blessing of stunned silence from them right after the election when their tails were between their legs rubbing a red stripe on their tummies. but now here they all are again, convinced Obama is killing the economy. Lord a Freakin Mercy they wouldnt know the truth if Heysoos opened up a 3000 mile crack in the sky, sat down next to them and wrote it out longhand.

I'm not big on suffering fools, but these fools certainly make me suffer every time they find their way into my line of vision or earshot. I am Mystified by their commanding influence. this Must be the part of the cliche about fooling "some of the people All of the time..."


Lowflyin' Lolana said...

what about Beck? did they support McCain? Were there any musicians that did? Seems like every time I turned around, the McCain camp was dealing with yet another musician who didn't want to be identified with his ticket. One after the other. I remember his master's voice (creepy idea now that you put it this way) but I can't see how it all ties in. Explain O Great One. I always appreciate your logic and I musta missed this one.

Lowflyin' Lolana said...

beck. duh. glenn beck. HELLO.